Thursday, 23 July 2009

Career Opportunities

Yeah...I used a Clash song for the title of another post...I just can't get enough of them at the moment. I think reading that biography has re-ignited my love for them. Been watching a load of interviews with them on youtube (including one with a very young looking yet instantly recognisable Janet Street Porter) Every journo asked them about their politics, about their content, about their beliefs and attitudes - and they always seemed to not have a clue what they were talking about. Being that their songs are so succinct and directed and honest, it seems a bit weird that they always seemed so shy to talk about their beliefs on camera?

In an interview with Tom Snyder in '81, they're playing with a teddy bear and stickers and pulling stupid faces. Snyder keeps having to 'tell them off' almost. Pretty funny. I think they all knew what they were about, but didn't feel it was the media's right to know what they were about, kind of like The Pistols. Mick Jones said in the interview "We don't want to poo poo on the fans" which I think serves as a pretty good example of what I'm trying to get at...simple...stripped down...but with a f*cking good backbone to them. This video speaks for itself really.

Enough about The Clash. There was a crazy storm last night, I don't think I've ever heard rain or wind like that before. It's good though. When the weather kicks up a fuss like that it kind of reminds you you're alive. That you shouldn't take yourself too seriously...because there are forces out there alot more powerful than you.

I've managed to get some unpaid work for The Choptober Foundation. It was conceived by the same Kiwi guys that were behind Movember. Basically...the idea is that everyone grows lambchops (sideburns) in October, and raise money for charities whilst doing it. My role in the crew is to look after and maintain all their websites, blogs, and social networking accounts. I'll also hopefully be doing "press release" kind of stuff...getting them known amongst the media and trying to get them coverage. Cool huh!? I'm pretty stoked about it. Unpaid but damn good experience...that's all I care about...also think I've managed to get myself a job at a coffee shop down the road. Just got back from an interview and the guy said he'd call me in the next few days to let me know when he can fit me in...cashback...I need an income.

I'll be in touch...

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