Sunday, 1 November 2009

On Reflection...

Good morning Christchurch, good night Eastbourne, hello world!

After a lethargic start to the morning, I've finally kicked into gear. It only took half of the day to get works wonders hmm!?

I woke up feeling unmotivated, tired, lazy and like I wasn't getting anywhere. I soon realised that often all it takes to make you feel like you are getting somewhere is for you to get out of bed. So I got out of bed, and now I'm here, in the kitchen, so I guess I have got somewhere - today at least.

It's sometimes pretty tough to stay happy when all of your friends and family are on the other side of the world. The fact that they all go to sleep as soon as you wake up doesn't make things much easier either. The thing is, if I could, I wouldn't change a damn thing. Being away from loved ones only makes me appreciate them a whole lot more, and when I do get to talk to them, the quality of conversation is so much better. It's true that you don't know what you've got till it's gone - that is why I'm here after all. It took less than a day after my girlfriend left the UK for me to realise that I couldn't lose her, so off I went to the travel agent and booked myself a ticket over here.

Although I can't be with everyone I love at the same time, I consider myself blessed to have so many incredible people in my life at all.

Eastbourne will always be my home, no matter where I end up. I don't care what anybody says about that town, it's home to some of the most friendly, inspired and beautiful people I've ever met. I think growing up in a town like Eastbourne instills that hunger in you for something more. Sure it has it's problems, but doesn't everywhere? EVERYONE I know from Eastbourne has affected me in some way. My Willingdon boys that I know I'll be with - even when I'm away from them - till the day I die. The Eastbourne skaters that I grew up with and spent every day of every summer (and the seasons inbetween) with from the age of 12 - 18. The Hailsham boys who are some of the funniest, friendliest, loyal and talented guys I've ever met. Anyone from Eastbourne who's started a band, a clothing company, record label, shop or graphic design company. Everyone who I've ever shared a drink with in Blue. Everyone who I've ever sat on the beach with and had a BBQ and a few bottles of beer. Anyone who I've ever been camping with on the downs. Any drunken soul I've ever waited for a cab with (or walked home with) All of the mates I made when I was at Lewes college. Then later, every single person I met at Kingston University. All the writers, poets, messheads, stoners, MC's, musicians and aspiring young journo's - keep up the good work.

If you're reading this then you're included too.

Shit. That coffee made me babble a bit huh. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and look at everything to really appreciate it. The human condition can be a beautiful thing.

My new life in Christchurch is treating me well, so is everyone I've met over here and for that I can't thank any of you enough. The Kiwi's are a friendly bunch, firm handshakes and warm smiles all around - I'll drink to that.

I feel like I needed to get that out of my system...


Lately I've been working, partying, and hungover-ing. Went to a party on Friday night that was pretty hilarious, not too many people there and the people that were there were on top form. A few dramas, but when is there not?! It all adds to the experience huh...

I'm going on holiday to the Gold Coast tomorrow (Australia) for a week. This promises to be uber-rad. I've never been to Australia, so I'm going to be making the most of it. I'm going to take a tonne of snaps and I'll chuck them all online somewhere when I get back.

The cat just ran in with a lizard hanging out of her was fully gross. Little twitching legs and everything...she's gonna need a tic-tac after that one...

I've got work tonight, making coffees was fun to begin with, but now it's a little boring. Oh well, at least 'Barista' sounds better than 'Dish Pig'...although I do find washing dishing all day rather therapeutic...

One DUNCAN ABRAHAM told me on Saturday night that my blogs have been too short and not frequent enough. He said just as he was getting into them I always stopped, and he compared it to pulling out during sex...

Well Duncan...I hope you need a cigarette after this one...

(Sorry Mum)

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